
Ella Benham


My journey with yoga began when I was a young teenager, but my appreciation for it didn’t develop until I was able to clearly see the ways it could benefit my life.

I began suffering from anxiety in my late teens feeling unsure of what direction to take in my life having moved home and school so many times in my younger years and with the death of my father at 17. I suffered from a sense of internal instability. Yoga became an empowering tool. When I was younger, I couldn’t name what it was but I knew I felt good when I was on my mat and I could feel the ripples in my day to day life. As I got older I began to realise that my anxiety increased when I felt disconnected and often this feeling occurred when I hadn’t practiced in a while. I began to see the correlation of my own wellbeing with the connection I gained from a practice that placed me in my body and out of my head.

The true meaning of Yoga is ‘union’. It is exactly this. It is a method of connecting, bringing together, making whole and complete. Yoga helps us to connect the mind and the body, to connect with our breath, with feeling and sensation, with our own stillness, our soul wisdom and connection to divinity. This is where my practice has led me and it is where I hope to lead people through my teaching.

Although Tarot and Yoga may seem like very different mediums, they are both platforms for taking us further on our journey to connect with our hearts and souls. I have found them both incredibly useful as tools to develop myself and my desire is to share my learning and experience.
I trained in Tarot in 2010 and have been reading since then. I don’t see Tarot as ‘fortune-telling’ but instead as a medium to convey some of the many messages waiting for us from our higher self and the universe. We are in a constant conversation with our world physically and energetically, but sometimes we forget how to listen. Tarot is a way of illuminating these messages that we need to hear to align with our path, create healing and balance and progress on our soul journey.

Natural health and wellness have always played a big role in my life. My father started one of the first health food businesses in Ireland so I grew up around people (and products) who reflected a more holistic view of life. I’ve developed my own interests and knowledge in different areas and my passion for natural health continues to grow. I work with Cacao and can facilitate ceremonies for individuals or groups. I recently completed my Reiki Level 1 so I can offer treatments to complement yoga and tarot or on its own.

Please get in contact if you would like to ask me anything or arrange a booking.
